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Sunday, October 28, 2007


We got out to do some geocaching finally. In case you aren't familiar, caching is basically a treasure hunt using a GPS. I can pretty much blame geocaching for my photography because we visit some amazing places that you wouldn't usually go to if it weren't for a Tupperware box buried among rocks.

The trip yesterday was also to see Conconully. We haven't really gotten out and about in the area yet. It's quite a neat little town. We could both see ourselves living there if we were retired, but I think it's a bit too far for us now even though there are some amazing pieces of property. Added bonus of the little restaurant, Lucky D's, that we went to had the best fries ever and an amazing chicken sandwich!

We explored a bit of Green Lake off Salmon Creek Road and saw some very cool RC hydroplanes. We were going to attempt Amy's hubby's cache up by Ruby, an abandoned town site, but I think we missed the turn. It was getting later by then, so we just decided to save it for another day of exploring.

It was nice to get out on such a sunny fall day. We took my truck and the chainsaw and used the opportunity to grab some wood on the side of one of the roads. From what I understand you can collect wood on public DNR land, but I have yet to figure out a safe way of telling whether the land is public or not. We didn't see any signs for quite some time so figured the wood was fair game. Got some nice big rounds that Shawn finished splitting today. It sure is getting colder. I think we can pretty much kiss nights above freezing goodbye for awhile. So far the fireplace has been pretty sufficient in heating though, we blast it in the evening and stock it really well for the night and it keeps the house warm enough. Then the wonderful sunshine does a pretty good job during the day. We'll see how much longer we can last without a fire during the day of course if I get a job during the day we won't have to worry about it.

Shawn at Green Lake
"Lake Grass" on Green Lake
"Fall Glimpse" along the North Fork Salmon Creek outside of Conconully