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Friday, January 16, 2009

Back in the Saddle...

That's right, I'm riding horses again. I have come upon the opportunity to learn about endurance racing. This is totally new and foreign to me and I'm excited to learn. You can follow my adventures with Annie on my new blog: Joining the Race.

With riding 3-4 times a week I hope to keep pulling the camera out. We've been locked in quite a cold, foggy spell lately. The fog has been here for a week and the forecasts are saying it will stick around for another week. I'm ready for it to go away, feels too much like Western Washington (of course w/o the flooding).

We do have hopes of going snowshoeing this weekend. I've even picked out the place I want to go, Scotch Creek. The plan is to bring the camera and the dog. Hopper should enjoy a good outing and hopefully he won't scare all the animals away. He's so quiet I hope to be able to have a photo shooting companion.

There are also plans in the work for painting the bedroom. Currently there are 9 different colors painted on the wall (don't worry I'll get a picture before the primer goes on). From that 9 I think we have settled on a color for the bedroom, a color for the living room and a color for the sunroom. It's funny, I kept telling myself to concentrate on picking a color for the bedroom and I seem to have done well working on the rest of the house as well.

Wish me luck on a hopefully busy weekend.