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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring has Sprung

While at the kitchen sink this morning I looked up to see my first flowers blooming! I was so excited I dropped everything and ran outside with my camera. I can't wait until everything is blooming so I can see where things are planted around here. I have had an invasion of bulbs in just about every open area and I'm sorry to say I'm going to have to rein some of them in and rip them out, but until then I can enjoy how pretty they will be. The garden and landscaping around the house are all a mystery since we moved in the fall. We ran into the previous owner and he said that it is about to get really beautiful, so that just makes me more giddy. I've never really had a garden, so it will be fun to experiment.

Other then finally having nice enough weather to venture outside, we've finished the living room and most of the entry. Although the entry way color is still on the iffy list. I think it will stay until I get a few opinions, but then it may leave. Don't worry pictures will be coming. If it weren't for the short time this morning I'd post all of that, but I have to leave you the edge of your seat just a bit.

Enjoy the day today!


Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos


Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos