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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fall Birds

After a slight inconvenience of running over my power cord with the office chair I am now back in business. Can you believe power cords for laptops are $80?! There goes my buying of a Christmas present for myself :0)

Hopper is getting along quite well. I think he enjoys being here minus the scary water jug that bubbles and is sure to attack if he turns his back. We have a few fright issues to work out. He'll be taking the long car ride home with us for Thanksgiving, along with the cat. Mickey and Hopper seem to get along quite well. Hopper is occasionally rough and Mickey likes to run by and "tap" him on the shoulder as he passes.

We're going to look at paint colors today for the front living room. I really like color but it is the classic conundrum of being scared to actually paint. I have the colors picked out, and if they don't look right I can just paint over it. We do have to read up or question people at Home Depot about fixing some of the little issues with the wall, but I'm sure it will turn out great.

While the computer was out of commission I got some very fun shots of birds in the backyard. I hung up feeders and suet in hopes of attracting more, but man those little buggers can eat. I've refilled the feeder three times in a week and they chow down every little bit. I haven't taken a picture of a quail yet, but if I just glance up sometimes I think there is a herd of cats in the yard because they are so big.


Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Chickadee A Flutter

Chickadee A Flutter
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Downey Woodpecker

Downey Woodpecker
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Fall Feeder

Fall Feeder
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos