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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow and Sports

The snow has returned to Okanogan:

Alas I have no photos. I've been too lazy and cold. Actually it's been snowing and blowing pretty non-stop to the point that I don't really want to take my camera out. I have been reading up on taking photos in cold weather and have learned that the cold will not damage a camera, but the condensation going from a cold to a warm environment is the culprit, along with actual moisture like snow.

Anyway it started snowing Friday morning and as of this morning we have proabably 7 inches, but now the snow is of no concern it is the temperatures. It is in the mid teens now and the wind is suppsoed to pick up where we may have as low as -26 wind chill Monday or Tuesday. Brrrrrr!

Alright, on to the photos:

I may not be the biggest sports fan and I would say wrestling is probably not at the top, but taking photos of the kids wrestling is pretty intense and fun. It is amazing what the camera sees that the human eye misses. I did have someone tell me recently that if you are taking photos and you didn't see something happen, that's good, because it means that you caught the action.

I am also learning how to use my flash. I received a Nikon Speedlight for a wedding present (apparently I'm the important one in the couple hehe) and I have yet to read the manuel to use it properly and learn all the ins and outs. Instead I just sit in the same spot and make little adjustments here and there. So far I think my way of learning is working to an extent. I know I am probably missing something, but the photos didn't turn out too badly.


Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

The Count

The Count
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Pin for Okanogan

Pin for Okanogan
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Take Down

Take Down
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos