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Sunday, July 5, 2009

A giant step backwards...

We really consider ourselves proud first time homebuyers. We want our house to look great. We put a ton of work into it and you've seen the progress on here. Paint inside, siding outside. Shawn keeps the yard watered and mowed, but you have to remember there are other people out there who don't always play by the rules.

This was our front yard a week ago. Shawn got done golfing and was mowing the grass in front of the large hedges lining the front of our yard by the road.

This was those same hedges last night. A neighbor fired an illegal firework into the bush where it exploded. Within seconds the flames were towering. I yelled at Shawn when I just thought they were embers and by the time I ran outside it was completely out of control. The Omak Fire Department responded very fast, within 5 minutes of my calling.

It was so hot, if they had not arrived as quick as they did the whole house may have gone. Here is our new siding, thoroughly melted and distorted.

What is left of our trees and hedges.

Near where the siding melted all the evergreens were charred. If they had gone up there would have been no way to save the house I'm sure.

Although we are really upset at the neighbor I do have to say he has accepted full responsibility and contacted his insurance company last night. I just hope this is a smooth process and we can get our house looking nice again. I was all excited to have an open house after the siding was done, but now I guess we will have to wait for one more task first.