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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Before... During... and After

The hopes of snowshoeing this weekend were dashed by images of paint brushes and masking tape dancing through my head. I know not as good as sugar plums, but hey it was a very productive weekend. We have totally revamped our bedroom. Although it is far from finished it is now much easier to see what we hope to do with the room and the list has become considerably shorter.


Okay, suspense aside here is the room before:

Take notice of those stark white walls. They were covered in wallpaper not too long before these photos. I completely forget to take a picture of the little flowers repeating all across two walls, but here is a sampling of it. Lovely eh?


We had originally planned on painting the room red, but were still unsure so we got some of the paint pod samples. After the initial four red samples we decided against red. Just wasn't doing it for us. So we picked a few more colors. In all we had nine different colors on the wall. Though I think we have decided from those samples what color to paint the living room and possibly the sun room.

In addition to the multiple colors we also had a few stains on the walls so up went the primer. With the primer up on the walls, but no the corners you could tell the walls were just dingy looking. They weren't white like the photos, but well, you can see the difference in this next photo.


With a bit of a drum roll may I introduce the after photos:

The final wall color was Twilight Gold. We still have a huge list of to-dos but this is a very strong start and helps us to envision the other tasks. Here's the remaining list:
Overall I feel pretty good though.

Hope you have enjoyed this episode of Before... During... and After. I'm sure there will be more to come as we hope to do the living room next.