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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Turkey Day

Our turkey day was relatively uneventful. No 40+ pound turkeys this year, no turkey frying fires, I mean the grass just grew back from the last incident two years ago. Nope, this year was pretty quiet. Though this was the first year we really had to travel a good distance home to Shawn's folks. A four hour drive later and we were on the warm side of the state. You can sure tell the difference now that we are getting used to these 18 degree mornings in Okanogan. Pretty soon we'll be wearing shorts when we go home to visit family.

No Black Friday shopping for me, instead I drove another three hours south to Kelso, just north of Portland, to get an afternoon visit in with my mom. She was in for the weekend to judge a dog show in Longview and I figured it would be a good chance to see her, since it has been about two years since the last visit.

My big accomplishment for the weekend vacation was my 6 mile run. Yes, 6 miles! I've been at the gym for about 2 months now and figured I'd test out my road running. I had Shawn drop me off in Machias on the Centennial Trail and I ran/walked/limped to my friends' house in Snohomish for an early Thanksgiving breakfast. I made it in an hour and half so I'm pretty darn proud of myself. That earned me the right to eat whatever I wanted in sickeningly large amounts and the rights to sit and do nothing for the rest of the day.

Now that we are home we are all hoping for snow soon. There is a big storm coming in and the Spokane news says snow every day this week, I just hope we get some of it. It sure feels like it's ready to dump. Hopefully that adventure will lead to more exciting photos then this one I took of Shawn and his brother frying one of the two turkeys for Thanksgiving this year.