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Monday, March 23, 2009

Sun Mountain Scenery

We set off for a hike down one of the trails at Sun Mountain and soon Jill had a mission. We left the kids with Steve and kept going to each bend in the trail to find the Homestead. Jill had been to the little hut before and really wanted to find it again. I was happy to get out and hike with the camera. Also very happy to get some of the shots that I did. It is always refreshing to get good pictures after being cooped up all winter.

Single Tree

Single Tree
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos


Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos


Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Moss Head

Moss Head
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A little from Sun Mountain...

Finally! I got to some photo editing tonight and got some of the photos from Sun Mountain uploaded. There will be some more scenery photos to come as well as another update on how the house is coming along. We got quite a bit more done in the living room and there is more to come over spring break. Not to mention we got our new windows put in too.

I can't believe how busy things have been! Now spring is here and I'll want to get outside even more. Where am I going to find the time??

At the Cabin

At the Cabin
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

We ditched the kids and Jill, Shawn and I kept going to find Jill's elusive homestead cabin. Proof we were there :0)


Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Shawn taught the girls the technique to sliding down the icy snow with no sled.


Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos


Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos


Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

For Jill

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Not Quite Done...

But pretty darn impressive.

I am so happy with how the living room has turned out so far. Again we have a few more things to do and we'll add them to the list to be whittled away, but we have quite a strong start.


You've seen these next two pictures from the previous post, but it just didn't seem right not to add them to this new post. Again we worked on the white wall which is actually painted paneling.

I took an afternoon and ripped the paneling off. You can read about that adventure here. Here's the wall all patched and ready to go.


We chose the paint color way back when we did the bedroom and had samples painted all over the wall. After two coats I was a little concerned with how dark it was appearing, but it got way better by the end.

Having never done any trim work we embarked on the adventure. We were able to quickly decide we weren't keeping the original trim because there was a patched area behind the paneling and right next to the door, so we needed some a bit thicker. We headed down to Home Depot and after about an hour of trying to decide we came home with some door trim. Again I was hesitant with how it would look but plowed ahead knowing we can always change it later.

We had the hardest time trying to decide on the door trim and baseboard because we couldn't find any that looked good right next to one another. Then I stumbled upon the simple plinth block and a happy medium was found. I really like the effect.

The door almost finished. The frame on the inside is primed and drying before we paint it the same color as the trim. I know it's hard to tell the difference but all the trim is the color chinchilla. All I can say is that it isn't white. :0)


My crowning achievement for this wall... to highlight our wedding. I think it looks amazing!

Now there are still a few things to do. We need to finish trimming out the other bedroom door (the pieces are drying as I type) and then we need to get crown molding. There is crown molding on the un-paneled walls already, but it is a very old style so we plan on updating that as well. So we are stuck with a funky tan and weird green color as a top border for now, but that's alright, the beautiful quilt from Zanna and the nice wedding photo catches the attention. We want to try and build a cool, fancy molding shelf to go under the wedding picture to even out the wall.

So many plans to come, but I'm loving how it looks! We are getting new windows in the next couple of weeks, so I'll have to venture outside for some before photos, though there shouldn't be a huge visible difference between the old and new windows... just an energy bill difference :0)