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Sunday, February 1, 2009


We made it outdoors. With the cold spell sort of snapped (I think it is supposed to be 40 degrees this week!) we ventured out to do some snowshoeing. Unfortunately we've kind of missed that window. I think there was a very narrow window to do real snowshoeing back in December and we just never made it out.

Well today we headed up to Scotch Creek Wildlife Area. I hoped to glimpse some wildlife, but alas no critters, or at least live ones, a few drops of blood and a pile of fur was really all that was left. It was actually a pretty pleasant morning. About 20 degrees, but no wind. Hopper was excited to explore a new place and was really all over the place. There is a pretty well worn trail up most of the hill so we didn't need to use our snowshoes, but decided to carry them with us anyway. I'd like to find a way to carry them without my hands, but that can come another day. It was really nice to have them when we got up towards the barn as the snow was pretty deep. Hopper was true to his name and hopped through the snow and kept digging in, probably chasing mice under the snow.

The barn was a great photo site. I have seen it from the Conconully highway and had even tried to take a photo of it with no luck. Today though, I had a blast. It has been so long since I have taken the camera out it was really great to get some good shots. Renews my faith in myself.

Just a Peek

Just a Peek
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Scotch Creek Barn

Scotch Creek Barn
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Open Door

Open Door
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Barn Door

Barn Door
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos


Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

His longest walk yet. We were probably out for about an hour and a half. He really enjoyed smelling everything that was new to him. Hopper has probably memorized all the smells on his daily walk by now. He really liked the deer trails crossing ours.