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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Demo Time

No riding this weekend and Shawn has made the comment that I'm really productive when I'm not on a horse :0)

Our next project we've agreed will be the living room. We know what color we want to do and the only thing that has been stopping us is my wanting to take down the paneling. We were kind of nervous about what might be behind the paneling, but you'll never know unless you rip it down and while Shawn was grading papers I pulled out my pink toolkit.

I won't hold you in suspense, luckily there was drywall behind the paneling and it is actually in quite good condition and not too bad of a color. The good color mind you is in the middle of the wall the borders are quite awful. The blue green color is actually the original drywall (I think) and we plan on covering that up with crown modeling and trim.

Here's a short picture story of the day:

The true before, before we even moved in. Now we are just doing
the painted paneling which is white in this picture. The other
wall is going to hold off until we remove the oil furnace which
is behind the closet door.

If the paneling doesn't cooperate that's when you
get the power saw out :0) It worked well and scared Shawn.

Not a bad color! It is more yellow/tan in person,
kind of pink in some of the photos.

Who throws their poo?! Well not really, this panel was glued
on because there are no studs in this wall. It will take
some sanding to fix those parts.

All patched and ready for priming. We'll see
how long it will stay like this.