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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It has Begun...

Work on the outside of the house has commenced. A few months ago we started getting quotes on siding. We checked out vinyl and steel siding and we called out a couple of companies from Spokane and a local guy. Being locally minded people we were happy to chose the local guy, Wilson Construction, and go with vinyl. It helped that Roy was so willing to work with us in ways that we could save money. To save a huge chunk we are doing the demo and installing the insulation on our own. Of course Roy is willing to give us guidance and came out today to go over a plan for all the work.

So now I can present the before photos and before you know it our house will look completely different.
A close up of the cedar siding that is going bye bye. It was in real need for paint, but I can't imagine how difficult it would be to paint this!

The back side of the house after about 2 and 1/2 hours. I did all this myself because Shawn was working on a much harder job (see below). We figure that with both of us pulling siding tomorrow we should be able to finish out this side and get some of the insulation up.

This was Shawn's project for the evening. This icky tree was actually up and growing when we moved in. It had grown up and around the edge of the roof and had dented some of the fascia. Shawn and his dad cut it down the first morning at the house and I had hopes to hang plants off the stump. Well Roy said it was too close to the house and would probably just attract bugs so it had to go. I relented (it wasn't that hard). So along with no more stump, a large chunk of my lilies have been ripped out. I guess they were a bit thick and probably weren't going to flower for that reason. Not quite the way I planned on thinning them, but I guess it works.

And finally our pile of Silver Ash 5" double dutch lap siding to go up as soon as we are done ripping off the cedar siding and putting up the insulation. We are hoping we can get it down through the rest of this week and weekend. Anyone want to help?