Back on the other side of the mountains and all it seems to do is rain here :0) The sad part is we are missing the snow back home. I think they are supposed to get another six inches. Hopefully it will all still be there when we get back.
We got to Shawn's folks late Friday night and left early this morning for our annual trip to Seattle. I lugged my camera around the first half of the day of shopping in hopes of finding some good photos, but gave up as the rain just kept coming. We did get a picture of all of the family prettied up before dinner which I will get edited and loaded up hopefully this evening.
We stayed at Hotel Monaco which has to be one of the most unique hotels I've stayed in. It is completely pet friendly. You can have any size dog and you can even bring your cat and rent a litter box. Since we didn't bring any of the animals we got a goldfish in each room to help keep us company. Connected to the Monaco is one of my favorite restaurants in Seattle,
Sazarac. Their motto is American food with a Southern flair. It is the only place in the NW I've been able to get my favored fried chicken livers. Oh so good... sometimes I can be such a southern gal.
Then we headed to the
5th Avenue Theater for "Jersey Boys." It's a musical about the career of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. It was like being treated to a concert. It was great. Though Shawn and I enjoyed "The Buddy Holly Story" a bit more because I think we knew a few more of the songs, but it was still fun.
After the play we wandered to
Purple for a late night treat. Purple is a wine bar with a crazy amount of wine and a staircase that goes to nowhere. It was pretty neat, but by then I was starting to catch Shawn's cold and wasn't feeling my best.
It was a fun night and I'm not sure if we'll be able to pass up this tradition to have a white Christmas at home.