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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas Spirit and Frost

We got the lights up on the house. The first time we've actually had a house to decorate together. We put a limit of $50 on lights and I think we did alright don't you? We started the afternoon of the 1st and by the time the snow was done Monday morning we had 8 1/2" of it. So sad that it melted as fast as it did, but we had some flurries this morning and there is snow forecast for this week.

Thursday, on my day off, I finally pulled my camera out again. The freezing frost was simply amazing! I stopped down at the Legion park and took some photos. The river is trying to freeze over, but not quite yet. Then I took some more at home when the sun peeked out for just a few moments. I got some blue sky and the ice crystals on the wind spinner, but it quickly fogged over again. I don't think I have ever seen a frost/fog quite as think and long lasting as the one that happed that day. It was very beautiful though.