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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Better Late then Never

Almost a month has gone by and I just haven't had the time to be doing anything but work, move and work some more.

We successfully collected a trailer load of furniture on the coast and now we even have a new bed. We now officially have a guest bedroom with a bed and not just a futon. Ready to visit? The house looks like a home now. Paint still needs to go up and I have lots of ideas and I really want to put some color in without being too obnoxious. Anyone want to help pick colors?

Hopefully we'll get around to having a little housewarming party too. I had friends over this last weekend to break the entertaining spell. I've never thrown a party with people other then my closest friends, but I promise, there will be one soon. What day works for you?

I'll leave you with a cute picture. I tried to get one more in focus but the cat quickly became antisocial and didn't want to participate anymore, I can't imagine why :0)

Leaping Kitties

Leaping Kitties
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sports Photos are here...

Finally getting around to editing some photos from last month. We headed out to a girls' soccer game one evening. It was pretty nice and fun to watch. I'm not a huge fan, though I really think I should be. I love hockey and soccer kind of seems like the same non-stop idea. Oh well. Maybe it is just because I don't understand the rules.

This last weekend was a busy one. Now that we are semi-settled in the house it is onto projects. We replaced a rotten board outside the sun room, added some flashing and re caulked the windows. Inside we painted the cement wall of the sun room to keep moisture from leaking through. I have pictures of everything, but I doubt I will bore you with all of them. It will be fun to look back at what we have changed over the years though. Maybe you'll get at least a before and after.

We head over to the other side this next weekend to get furniture for the house. I'm excited to get some nice stuff. Shawn's Grandpa lives in a retirement home, but the family kept all the furniture so we get to go through the storage unit and pick out what we would like.

Exciting times!

Okanogan Soccer

Okanogan Soccer
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Okanogan Soccer

Okanogan Soccer
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Okanogan Soccer

Okanogan Soccer
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Little League Football

Little League Football
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Snapped this photo of a little guy at practice behind us at the soccer game. There were some awfully cute kids and some awfully big kids for little league.