I love zoos. They are so fun to be able to see animals you would never see regularly and it is even more fun when you have a camera with a big zoom. The last time I was at a zoo was almost 3 years ago when I went with my Dad and his wife to Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, SC. I didn't have my big 70-300 zoom yet (I think I got it the next week). Now I want to go to more. Hopefully I'll be able to go over to Seattle to go to Woodland Park sometime.
After we got done at Garden of the Gods we drove up to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. It is a very unique zoo that is built into the mountain side. You kind of meander your way up the hillside. I'm still loving the zoo in South Carolina though. The nice thing about that one is there are ditches between you and the animals instead of fences, makes for better pictures which is of course all I care about :0)
Here's a sample of some of the pictures I took. Have some fun and make a caption for that silly giraffe and leave it in the comments. Might be fun to see what some other people are thinking when they look a that photo.