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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome 2010

Yes, I do still exist. Where has the time gone? It's been two months since I did much of anything with my photography. We had quite a shake up at work which took time and it's been cold, and well I'm a chicken. I really dislike taking the camera out when it is below 20. It just doesn't seem overly safe.

All that aside we did venture out for a hike the day after Christmas. We had high hopes for using our snowshoes, but this has been a relatively snow free winter. It will snow a few inches and then promptly warm up, rain and melt. Kind of a bummer, but it will happen.

We headed over Loup Loup to the Methow Valley Wildlife Rec Area. Hopper really enjoyed the outing as we had been babysitting a miniature poodle who had been getting way too much attention. A bummer there wasn't more snow, but the sun was out and the skies bright blue.

It almost feels as if spring is around the corner here, so maybe some more outings to come?

Daytime Moon

Daytime Moon
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos

Mountain Top Run

Mountain Top Run
Originally uploaded by Kendal Jean Photos