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Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Took a short jaunt over to Spokane yesterday. My brother was in town for business so I wanted to see him, even if it was for a short time. Early in the morning we headed off on roads we've never been on. We got some great little stops in geocaching and here is some photographic proof.

This windy road takes you to Almira, south of Grand Coulee Dam. It displays a little better in a larger format.

A lone old building standing in the middle of a wheat field on Hwy 2. I liked this photo op so much I turned the truck around and went back for it. I'm glad I did, great contrast again.

Shawn and I up on the Almira road. That is the Columbia River above Grand Coulee Dam in the background. Luckily there was a roadside post for this great timed shot. I really do need to invest in a tripod.

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