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Saturday, August 18, 2007


Welcome to my blog. I've decided to start up another endeavor to keep people updated. Since I tend not to update my web page, www.kendaljeanphotos.com, as much as I should I hope to post newer photos here as well as photos that just don't really fit my portfolio.

By looking at my photos you can probably tell I'm an avid amateur photographer. I have my moments for a great picture, but for the most part I am still learning.

I've recently relocated for my boyfriend's job. He is the new math teacher at Okanogan High School in north central Washington. It's his first teaching job out of school and I'm really excited for him. I on the other hand am jobless. The job market isn't exactly teeming in this area. I'm looking, but kind of being picky about it. It is so much cheaper to live on this side of the mountains then near Seattle that we can make do on his salary only.

One of the most exciting things about moving is we actually get to live in a house. We were lucky enough to create connections fast enough to rent a 2br house. The first time we've been able to afford it and it is cheaper then anything else we've lived in the past 4 years on the west side.

So here are the empty house picturess for all you curious folk out there. Mom - quit bugging me now.

Front of the lovely 1950s home and the living room with the wood stove.

Kitchen with it's carpet and avocado green appliances.

View from the back porch door through the kitchen and living room and the bathroom just off the living room.

The bedroom with hardwood floors and behind me is the other bedroom/office. Beyond that is Mickey's room which is also the laundry room.

Overall I am slowly falling in love with this little house. Though it has the quirks of being older, like it could probably be rewired, but it is a good foray into having an older house for when we go to purchase a home.

1 comment:

uukathy said...

Kendal, the house is darling and looks clean. I like that. What a great start. what's the yard like. Is it fenced etc.