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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cooler Days

Finally we are receiving some cooler days and nights for that matter. No seeing our breath in the morning yet, but fall is getting closer. Today is such a great day, very nice weather, not too hot and not too windy, especially after yesterday's 30mph winds.

Shawn is getting along quite well in his teaching. He says it is everything he expected. I guess that would be better then a lot of unexpectedness. The kids really seem to like him as do the other teachers. He was offered the c-squad basketball coaching position, but he hasn't made a decision yet. I'm trying to work the courage up to have a teacher get together at the house, but I'm just not one to entertain, I frankly like being entertained.

Our little garden is producing, though through no work of our own. The grapes are becoming very fragrant, if the wind is blowing in the right direction you can smell them from the back porch. I clipped off a big chunk and walked down to the school yesterday afternoon munching on them. I think they may be concord grapes. Of course I really don't know too many types of grapes, but they remind me of the place my Grandma used to own in Texas. There was an arbor on the way to the big garden and the grapes would always be staining our hands and mouths.

Memories are sweet like grapes aren't they?

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