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Monday, August 27, 2007


We did a rocket blast across Hwy 20 this last weekend to return to Bellingham for Shawn's graduation from Western Washington University. I think he secretly enjoyed my forcing him to return. He never walked for his undergrad at UW, so I think it was worth it.

Of course a trip anywhere wouldn't be complete without geocaching and photo taking. We took a break at the top of Washington Pass on Hwy 20 for some leg stretching, caching and photos.

In the background is Silver Star Mountain.
Shawn signing the logbook while I found the perfect rock tripod.

And finally the happy graduate with his parents.


Stephanie Stremler said...

HI! Your website and blog looks great!!! We will be in Twisp this weekend and at the Winthrop rodeo on Sunday--maybe you'll be around??

Congrats Shawn on your graduation!!! YAY--no more school!

Kendal said...

I would love to meet you there, but we'll be soaking up the sun at the cabin on Chelan. Next time :0)