
Thanks for checking out my blog. See the rest of my photos and get some more information about me at my website, www.kendaljeanphotos.com. I look forward to hearing from you, leave me a comment.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Fair Entry

The Okanogan County Fair is coming up and I wasn't planning on entering anything since I just moved to the area, but then I got to thinking, why not? So I called up the office this morning and they are accepting photography entries through tomorrow night at 8. The only picture I have around that is an 8x10 is "Lone Fishing" so I'm going to give it a whirl. It really isn't my number one choice, but I still think it has its qualities. Wish me luck.


Stephanie Stremler said...

I love this picture! It is my favorite on your site! Good luck!!

Kendal said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence, makes me feel a lot better :0)